Data Quality Assessment of BLOX images and catalogues

# Field Name Passband Grade Comment Catalog Grade Ref.-Catalog Mag.Difference ± Error
1 A1882 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B SDSS Blue -0.17 ± 0.07
Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border regions masked out B SDSS Red 0.05 ± 0.05
2 BPM-16274 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Blue -0.08 ± 0.12
V A Very few stars with halos and spikes. Very faint residuals north of bright star (S-E) Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B OM (0123920101) 0.32 ± 0.06
Rc A Very few stars with slightly brighter halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Red -0.26 ± 0.13
I A Very few stars with slightly brighter halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Infrared -0.09 ± 0.16
3 BRI1033 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes Border regions masked out. Many objects missing C UKST Blue 0.28 ± 0.1
V A Very few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B OM (0150870401) 0.15 ± 0.24
Rc A Few stars with slightly brighter halos and spikes. Long exposure! Many bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out B UKST Red 0.22 ± 0.1
I A Very few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some faint objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Infrared 0.09 ± 0.12
4 CFRS3h Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes. Some faint light-trails Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B SDSS Red 0.09 ± 0.05
5 F864_1 B A Very few stars with spikes Border regions masked out. Few obects near brighter ones missing. Many very faint objects missing (low SNR) C SDSS Blue -0.15 ± 0.08
Rc B Very few stars with halos and spikes. Faint light-trail. Long exposure! Bright stars, nearby areas and border region masked out. Few faint objects near brighter ones missing B SDSS Red 0.06 ± 0.05
6 F864_9 B A Very few stars with spikes Border region masked out. Few objects near brighter ones missing A SDSS Blue -0.09 ± 0.07
Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes. Some faint light-trails. Long exposure! Bright stars, nearby areas and border regon masked out. Some very faint sources detected but many objects near brighter ones (also galaxies) missing B SDSS Red 0.07 ± 0.05
7 HE1104 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars, nearby areas, border region and area west of center masked out B UKST Blue 0.21 ± 0.11
V A Very few stars with halos and spikes. Some faint light-trails Bright stars, nearby areas, border regions and area west of center masked out B OM (0112630101) 0.13 ± 0.14
Rc A Few stars with brighter halos and spikes. Long exposure! Large areas around (bright) stars and border region masked out. Very faint sources listed B UKST Red 0.13 ± 0.08
I A Few stars with brighter halos and spikes. Long exposure! Large areas around (bright) stars and border region masked out B UKST Infrared 0.02 ± 0.12
8 IRAS12112 B B Very few stars with halos and spikes. Some light-trails. Artifacts (masked out regions) on bright star (S-W) Bright stars and border region masked out. Light-trails causing multiple detections B SDSS Blue -0.15 ± 0.09
V B Very few stars with halos and spikes. Some light-trails. Artifacts (masked out regions) on bright star (S-W) Bright stars and border region masked out. Few objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails causing multiple detections B SDSS Optical 0.09 ± 0.05
Rc B Few stars with halos and spikes. Many light-trails. Artifacts (masked out regions) on bright star (S-W). Long exposure! Border regions masked out. Many stars and regions (S, S-E, N-W) masked out, therefor many faint galaxies missing. Light-trails masked out! C SDSS Red 0.06 ± 0.05
I B Very few stars with halos and spikes. Few light-trails. Artifacts (masked out regions) on bright star (S-W) Bright stars and border region masked out. Light-trails causing (few) multiple detections B SDSS Infrared -0.03 ± 0.05
9 J104433 Rc B Few stars with halos and spikes. Artifacts on bleeding out stars (N). Some light-trails. Long exposure! Many bright obejcts and border region masked out. Many sources near brighter ones missing. Light-trailes masked out! B SDSS Red 0.00 ± 0.06
10 LBQS1228 Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes. Some light-trails. Long exposure! Bright stars and border region masked out. Few areas masked out. Few bright eliptical galaxies not detected. C SDSS Red 0.16 ± 0.05
11 LBQS2212 B A Few stars with halos and spikes Bright stars and border region masked out A UKST Blue 0.08 ± 0.11
V A Few stars with halos and spikes. Some light-trails Bright stars and border region masked out. Region (S-W) masked out B OM (0106660401) 0.22 ± 0.06
Rc B Few stars with halos and spikes, some bleeding out. Many light-trails, one masked out (S-E). Long exposure! Many bright objects, large area (W) and border regions masked out. Light-trails masked out! B UKST Red -0.15 ± 0.08
I B Few stars with partly bright halos and spikes. Few light-trails Many bright stars and border region masked out B UKST Infrared -0.02 ± 0.16
12 MKW9 B A Few stars with halos and spikes Bright objects, (bright) central- and border- region masked out C SDSS Blue -0.07 ± 0.06
Rc A Few stars with partly brighter halos and spikes. Few light-trails. Long exposure! Many bright objects, (bright) central- and border- region masked out C SDSS Red 0.15 ± 0.05
13 MS1054 B B Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest bleeding out. Few light-trails. Masked-out regions (contiguous pixels) at frame edges Border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Few light-trails causing multiple detections B SDSS Blue -0.12 ± 0.08
V B Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest bleeding out. Few light-trails. Masked-out regions (contiguous pixels) at frame edges Bright stars and border region masked out B SDSS Optical 0.13 ± 0.06
Rc B Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest bleeding out. Few light-trails. Masked-out regions (contiguous pixels) at border region. Long exposure! Bright stars, areas (E, W, S-W) and border region masked out C SDSS Red 0.00 ± 0.06
I B Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest bleeding out (partly strong). Few light-trails. Masked-out regions (contiguous pixels) at border region Bright stars, areas (N-E, S-W) and border region masked out. Light-trail causing multiple detection C SDSS Infrared -0.06 ± 0.07
14 NGC4666 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes. Few light-trails Bright stars and border region masked out. Central region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails causing multiple detections C SDSS Blue -0.15 ± 0.08
V A Very few stars with halos and spikes. Few light-trails Bright objects and border region masked out. Central region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails causing multiple detections C SDSS Optical 0.09 ± 0.06
Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes. Few light-trails. Long exposure! Bright objects and border region masked out. Central region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails masked out! B SDSS Red 0.13 ± 0.05
I B Few stars with halos and spikes. Few light-trails. Variations in backgroud-luminosity and very faint fringing-pattern (S) visible Bright objects and border region masked out. Central region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails causing multiple detections C UKST Infrared 1.44 ± 0.42
15 NGC7252 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes. Few faint light-trails Central area and border region masked out. Some objects near bright stars missing B UKST Blue -0.03 ± 0.13
Rc B Few stars with partly bright halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Some partly long light-trails. Long exposure! Bright stars, central area and border regions masked out. Two stripes (oriented E to W) masked out C UKST Red -0.21 ± 0.11
16 PB5062 B B Few stars with partly strong halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Very few light-trails. Some columns of lower SNR Border region masked out. Very faint (low SNR) objects missing A UKST Blue 99
V A Few stars with partly strong halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out Bright star and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B - 99
Rc B Some stars with partly stron halos and spikes, some bleeding out. Few light-trails. Nebulous- and/or fringing-pattern visible in most parts of the image Bright stars and border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Red 99
17 PG1115 B A Very few bright stars with halos and spikes. Very few light-trails Border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trail causing multiple detections B SDSS Blue -0.3 ± 0.09
Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes. Few light-trails. Long exposure! Bright objects and border region masked out. Light-trails masked out! B SDSS Red 0.07 ± 0.05
18 PHL5200 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes. Few very faint light-trails Border region masked out. Few objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Blue 0.6 ± 0.12
Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Few light-trails Border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails causing multiple detections B UKST Red 0.31 ± 0.09
20 Q1246 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Very few light-trails Bright objects masked out. Possible misdetections at bright eliptical galaxy. Light-trails causing multiple detections C UKST Blue -0.04 ± 0.11
V A Very few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Many mostly faint light-trails Bright objects masked out. Possible misdetections at bright eliptical galaxy. Light-trails causing multiple detections C - 99
Rc B Some stars with halos and spikes, some bleeding out. Some light-trails. Reflections from source outside FOV (S-W) Bright objects and nearby areas masked out. Possible misdetections at bright eliptical galaxy C UKST Red 0.01 ± 0.08
I B Some stars with halos and spikes, some bleeding out. Some light-trails. Very faint residues from nightsky-flat (?) Bright objects masked out. Possible misdetections at bright eliptical galaxy. Light-trails causing multiple detection C UKST Infrared 0.08 ± 0.14
21 QSO0130 Rc B Some bright stars with halos and spikes, partly strong bleeding out Bright objects, nearby regions and areas (N) masked out B UKST Red 99
22 SHARC-2 B A Few bright stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out Bright objects masked out. Many objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Blue 0.1 ± 0.11
V A Few bright stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out Bright objects masked out. Many objects near brighter ones missing B OM (0111160201) 0.26 ± 0.1
Rc B Some bright stars with partly strong halos and spikes, few bright stars bleeding out. Long exposure! Bright objects and nearby regions masked out. Many objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Red -0.05 ± 0.08
I A Some bright stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out Bright objects masked out. Many objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Infrared -0.11 ± 0.1
23 TLeo B B Few bright stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Very few light-trails. Non-square image format and small parts of the image masked out Bright stars and region near border (N-W) masked out. Few objects near brighter ones missing A SDSS Blue -0.18 ± 0.08
Rc C Few bright stars with partly stron halos and spikes, some stars partly strong bleeding out. Some light-trails. Non-square image format and parts of the image masked out Bright objects and nearby regions masked out. Many objects near brighter ones missing. Light-trails causing multiple detections B SDSS Red 0.03 ± 0.05
24 XMM15 B B Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Mostly near borders many regions (contiguous pixels) are masked out Small border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing A UKST Blue 0.07 ± 0.17
V A Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out Few bright stars and small border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing A - 99
Rc B Some stars with bright halos and spikes, some heavily bleeding out Bright stars and nearby regions masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Red 99
I B Some stars with bright halos and spikes, few heavily bleeding out Bright stars and nearby regions masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B UKST Infrared -0.22 ± 0.14
25 ZW3146 B A Very few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out Few bright stars and small border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing A SDSS Blue -0.12 ± 0.08
V A Very few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Few light-trails Bright objects, nearby areas and small border region masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B SDSS Optical 0.15 ± 0.06
Rc A Few stars with halos and spikes, brightest stars bleeding out. Few light-trails Bright objects, nearby areas and small border region masked out. Light-trails masked out. Some objects near brighter ones missing B SDSS Red 0.12 ± 0.04